How to take care of oily skin?

Simo K.


If your skin is too oily, it may be because you are using the wrong skin care products and upsetting your skin's natural balance. An oily look can rob you of that freshness and also cause skin problems that never seem to end.

You can, however, adjust how you care for your skin. Simple changes can reduce the amount of oil on your skin and give you a healthier complexion.

Why is my skin so oily?

This is one of the first questions asked by a majority of people who have extremely oily skin. Oily skin is a result of overly active sebaceous glands in some individuals. These glands secrete a waxy or oily substance called sebum. While sebum is vital for keeping your skin protected, healthy, and hydrated, too much of it can lead to oily skin and clogged pores. This may eventually result in acne.

What causes oily skin?

Genetics – Oily skin usually runs in families. If either of your parents has had a history of oily skin, your skin is also quite likely to be oily.

Enlarged Pores – Aging, acne breakouts, and weight fluctuations can cause your skin pores to become enlarged. Enlarged pores can make your skin produce more oil. Most individuals with oily skin have large skin pores.

Climate – If the climate of the place where you live is hot and humid, your skin is likely to produce more oil. This is why your skin is oilier in summers as compared to the winters.

The sun can dry out the skin, causing the body to produce more sebum to compensate.  Also excessive washing can dry out the skin and cause the skin's sebaceous glands to produce too much sebum. 

What are the signs and symptoms of oily skin?

The signs and symptoms associated with oily skin include:

  • Greasiness or shine on the face.
  • Large pores on the skin of the face.
  • Skin that appears thick or rough.
  • Occasional or persistently occurring pimples.
  • Clogged pores.
  • Blackheads and/or whiteheads

How do you take care of oily skin?


Firstly, cleansing is an essential component of any skincare routine. You should wash your face in a warm water bath in the morning and at night. A good cleanser will remove any dirt, makeup, or grime from the skin. The number one thing to take away about cleansers for oily skin is that you don’t want to use a cleanser that is too harsh.


Exfoliating the skin as part of your oily skin routine controls excess sebum, removes dead skin and unclogs pores, especially in areas prone to black and white spots such as the skin area, nose and chin.


While this may seem counter-productive, people with oily faces really do need to moisturize. oil does not  equal hydration, and skipping moisturizer can cause your skin to feel dehydrated and produce even more oil, which is the last thing we want.

HiSqin™ Gotu Kola Calming Gel

This Seaweed-based soothing gel provides the ultimate hydration while calming botanicals tend to sensitive or irritated skin.

May be used daily or nightly as a moisturizer or as a post treatment on irritated or inflamed skin.


An oily skin care routine followed religiously, would help keep the oil appearance in check, and leave your skin looking and feeling beautiful.

The key is to find a balance between excess oil and keeping the skin naturally hydrated. When natural skin oils are balanced, you produce less sebum and have fewer days of excess oil on your gorgeous face. 

Remember that all good things take time, so if you're looking to get rid of your oily skin problems, you need to be patient and follow a strict daily skin care routine.


Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.

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