How to get rid of tired eyes?

Specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery.


Your eyes can easily give away your age and make you look tired and, in some cases, grumpy. Your eyes can look and feel tired for a variety of reasons, including allergies, lack of sleep, diet, and digital eye strain.

When we have time to take care of ourselves and relax, there are many ways to eliminate eye strain at home. 

There are many ways to eliminate eye fatigue, the most obvious of which is to ensure adequate sleep. There are things you can do at work or in your spare time to relieve eye strain.

What causes tired eyes?

If you stare at a computer screen all day—or if you’re resisting getting glasses, and find yourself squinting to see far-away signs or while reading—you might be straining your eyes, and, surprisingly, that could actually show on your face.

Allergies can also cause swelling, which can make your eyes look puffy and tired. 

When you’re stressed out and not getting enough sleep, your eyes are a dead giveaway. They can look darker and have bigger bags underneath when you’re more tired than usual or have a lot on your mind, like an unbearable workload or emotional anxiety.

Histamine can also cause fluid buildup, inflammation, and swelling under the eyes, leading to dark circles combined with eye fatigue, especially after scratching or rubbing the eyes.

When your body is dehydrated, your eyes and skin often appear dull or tired. Dehydration is not only dangerous to our health and reduces our overall performance, but it can also make us feel tired and tired of the eyes even after eight hours of sleep.

Why do we get dark circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are usually caused by one or more factors, including darkening of the skin (overactive pigment cells), thinning of the skin (resulting in increased visibility of capillary blood through the skin), and increased shadows of the lower eye due to contour irregularities resulting from sagging skin. , sunken lacrimal pits, sunken cheeks and protruding fat sacs. Your eyes may appear darker and have large bags under your eyes when you are more tired than usual or have a lot of thoughts in your mind, such as an unbearable workload or emotional anxiety. 

How to get rid of tired eyes?

Eye strain can often be relieved by applying hot and cold compresses to the eyes. Cold compresses is a quick traitement  can reduce puffiness, dark circles, or cracks that make your eyes look tired.

If allergies are the cause of tired eyes, take an over-the-counter or prescription antihistamine to reduce puffy, red, and itchy eyes. If you find that your eyes are red and swollen to the point where you cannot open your eyes, try drinking a glass of water and not drinking water for the rest of the day. When you feel your eyes getting heavy, pause and "palm" your eyes.

Spraying your eyes with hot and cold water is the fastest way to reduce sagging and inflamed skin. Another way to get rid of tired eyes on a long-term basis is to include a moisturizing eye cream in your daily skin care routine.

At home, at school, at the gym, or at work, the last thing you want to hear is “your eyes look tired,” mostly because of the dark circles underneath. Indeed, aging leads to sagging skin and loss of volume around the eyes, giving the face a sunken and tired look. That might be reason enough to take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and massage the skin around your eyes.

To get rid of bags under your eyes, your doctor may recommend that you sleep more or change your sleeping position (for example, raise your head). 

HiSqin™ Murumuru Intensive Eye Treatment

Organic Marshmallow Extract aids in circulation, diminishing dark circles and puffiness. Soothing Calendula, Sea buckthorn and Organic Sunflower Oils quickly penetrate to instantly refresh and encourage suppleness and elasticity.

HiSqin™ KAKADU & HIBISCUS Eye Treatment Serum

✔️ Reduces under eye puffiness. ✔️ Hydrates the area under the eye. ✔️ Reinforces production of collagen. ✔️ Minimizes dark circles under the eyes. ✔️ Improve the appearance of wrinkles. ✔️ Minimizes depth of fine lines.


Gray or dark skin around both eyes can ruin your appearance and self-confidence.  If you have persistent dark circles or puffy eye bags that you can't alleviate with lifestyle changes or quick fixes, medical solutions may offer an alternative. 

When all else fails, you can always turn to your trusty color corrector and concealer to patch up the wound, which in this case is your red, puffy, tired skin around your eyes. 

There are creams, and  home remedies that can help you lighten dark circles, flatten the affected area, and reduce under-eye bags. So resist the temptation to put on tons of concealer and dark eye makeup - it will only make your eyes look worse.


Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.

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