How to get rid of a black eye?

Sara P.
A dermatologist based in Canada.


Black eye is a phrase used to describe a bruise around the eye due to trauma to the face or head. A bruise under the eye is often the result of trauma to the face or head and is due to the accumulation of blood and other fluids in the space around the eye. 

Swelling and the characteristic black and blue color occur when small blood vessels in the face and head rupture, and blood and other fluids pool in the space around the eye,but treatment stays possible.

What causes a black eye?

The blue-black hue of a bruise under the eye is caused by the accumulation of blood under the thin skin of the eyelid and the area around the eye. 

A bruise, or more commonly known as a "black eye", usually occurs due to some kind of injury to the eye, causing the tissue around the eye to become bruised.

A blow to the nose often causes both eyes to swell because the swelling from the nasal injury causes fluid to collect in the loose tissues of the eyelids.

Black eyes can also  appear after some surgical procedures, such as nose surgery or a facelift. A black eye may occur when blood, originating in the forehead or nose, settles by gravity under the eye. “Raccoon eyes” refers to blood that settles under the eyes and is associated with a fracture in the base of the skull.

A black eye itself is not dangerous, and the discoloration is usually due to bruising around the eye. Sometimes, however, it can be a sign of a more serious condition.

What are the signs and symptoms of a black eye?

If a person receives an injury to the area around the eye, they are likely to notice some swelling.Pain, swelling, and bruising are the most common signs and symptoms of a black eye.

Signs of a more serious injury are double vision, loss of sight, or inability to move the eye. Loss of consciousness, blood or clear fluid coming out of the nose or the ears, blood on the surface of the eye itself, or persistent headache can also indicate a severe injury.

How to get rid of a black eye?

Gently massage the area surrounding the bruise (not the black eye itself) in the days following the injury. This can help activate the lymphatic system near the bruise and speed up healing.

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Reduce the temperature around your eyes with a bag of frozen peas, a cold spoon, or other cold (but not raw) meat as soon as possible after the injury. Applying cold compresses to the eyes can help constrict blood vessels in the delicate skin and reduce swelling. The cold reduces pain and relieves swelling by constricting the tiny blood vessels in the tissue around the eye.


Because the skin around the eyes is relatively thin and translucent compared to skin elsewhere on the body, the black-blue color of a bruised eye may appear darker and more intense than bruising elsewhere. The appearance is due to the fact that the skin around the eyes is rather flabby, thin and transparent, which means that it swells easily and even a small pool of blood can cause discoloration. 

As the bruise heals, the swelling around the eye decreases and the bruise fades away. Your eyes may give the impression of a rainbow as they heal, changing from purple and blue to green and yellow, and then eventually disappearing.


Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.

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