How to get glowing skin?

Simo k.


When the weather begins to change, our skin begins to change too. Skin care and attention is one of the things that many girls are looking for, that is to have soft and supple skin, like the skin of children. This is one of the easy things that you can achieve with healthy, daily habits that you can constantly attend to. Get skin that is full of radiance and life. In this article, you have a lot of habits and tips that you can follow to get a skin like the skin of children.

1. Sleep early

You need to set your sleep schedule regularly, as sleeping regularly positively affects the appearance of your skin and makes it glow, as going to bed late is one of the factors that most affects the functions of the body and negatively affects the freshness of the skin. As well as the health of the heart and blood vessels, it is necessary to pay attention to sleep early and on a fixed date to give the body a chance to balance and perform its normal functions.

2. Healthy meals

Fresh fruits can be used to moisturize the skin during the sunny season. It is also rich in vitamin C, which makes the skin firm, supple and youthful. Antioxidants help replenish the supply of cells that make up important organs in our body, including the largest: our skin. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout contain healthy fats that help moisturize your skin for a smoother look.

Since eating unhealthy foods and fast foods constantly affects the skin, especially industrial materials and hydrogenated oils, so you need to follow a regular diet and eat a lot of fruits and foods that provide your body with nutritional benefits and provide it with the necessary energy and avoid all foodstuffs that contain industrial materials, sugars and fats.

3. Avoid smoking

Smoking is one of the bad habits that affect the health of the body and skin, as it causes the rapid appearance of signs of aging, especially in case of excessive consumption, as nicotine causes many diseases that negatively affect human health and appearance, in addition to cancer and lung diseases, and it very significantly affects the facial features and its freshness.

4. Continuous skin care

Where you need to make a daily and continuous routine for skin care through continuous moisturizing and focus on natural skin masks and work on choosing the right moisturizers for your skin type in addition to using natural masks, especially honey and yogurt masks, which work to brighten the skin and maintain its freshness and honey with its natural ingredients gives you a fresh and soft skin like children.

Using sunscreen every day, regardless of the weather, is the best way to keep our skin healthy. One of the best ways to restore skin's natural hydration and radiance during the colder months is to apply a thicker face cream. Not only does hydration help address skin care issues like dullness, dry spots, and dehydration, but many moisturizers have a moist aftertaste that naturally makes skin more radiant. It may seem obvious, but when it comes to moist, glowing skin, hydration is essential.

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5. Periodic inspection

It is necessary to do a periodic examination of your skin by following up with a proper dermatologist, because there are certain factors that can occur in your body that affect the appearance of the skin, such as pregnancy, childbirth, sun exposure, the appearance of wrinkles and melasma. Follow up periodically to get rid of all these things that are harming your skin if you don't treat them immediately.

6. Skin vitamins

There are vitamins dedicated to skin and skin care, as they are used to eliminate wrinkles and signs of aging, in addition to their ability to brighten and smooth the skin. Therefore, you need to rejuvenate your skin by using an appropriate type of vitamin with one of the moisturizer suitable for your skin type, as a daily routine before going to sleep to have a skin like children.

7. Sun cream

You need to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun, which affect the appearance of your skin, as it acts by darkening the skin and forming dark spots on the face. Therefore, an appropriate sunscreen should be used, two hours before leaving. It should be applied to the areas most exposed to the sun, especially in the summer, in order to obtain a healthy skin, rich with a distinctive glow that creates self-confidence.


The harsh summer sun, combined with dust and dirt, can make skin look dull and oily. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to combat the side effects of autumn weather to keep your skin glowing and glowing.

By following these simple and basic methods above, you will achieve your dream of staying young and having glowing, flawless skin. You will notice the change in your skin and its texture like never before. Be young and happy forever.


Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.

Washing the face before going to bed

Washing and cleansing the skin is one of the necessary things that should be done as a basic habit before going to bed, so that the skin is cleaned of all the dirt that has accumulated on it during the day from several sources such as sunlight, bacteria and also the dead skin cells. All these conditions in turn help to clog the pores of the face.

Use a skin-friendly soap

The skin contains natural oils that, in turn, provide the necessary moisture. When using certain types of soap, it is possible to strip the skin of these oils, causing irritation and inflammation, thus forming dry skin, so good types of them that are free of chemicals and alcohol should be used, bearing in mind not to use antibacterial soap as it dries the skin.


Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, allowing the skin to better absorb the moisturizer, but exfoliation can damage dry skin, so it should only be used once a week, and do not use fruit to exfoliate and replace them with rice water rich in enzymes, because it is one of the gentle ingredients on the skin, and does not harm it, or a gentle exfoliating product can be used for this.

Use an appropriate moisturizer

Moisturizing cream is placed two or even three times a day on the face, and among the useful moisturizers for the skin: the cream with glycerin so that it contains oils suitable for the skin, while staying away from creams containing retinol, because it affects dry and sensitive skin too.

Useful tips for dry skin

Here are some important tips for dry skin:

  •  Drink plenty of water.
  •  Avoid itching, especially dry skin.  
  •  Don't extend your shower time to more than ten minutes.

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