7 bad foods for the skin

Sara P.
A dermatologist based in Canada.


Pimples, acne, wrinkles, rashes... You don't know why these imperfections appear on your skin? One of the reasons behind this is some of the foods you eat; did you know that there are foods that destroy collagen and thus accelerate the aging process of the skin, while others infiltrate the hormones and destroy them, which contributes to the appearance of impurities on the skin? From there, we will provide you with a list of foods that may be the cause of your skin problems, make sure you eat them in moderation or stop using them altogether to maintain your beauty.

Whole foods rich in collagen and antioxidants are known to make your skin look and feel younger, there are also foods to avoid if you're trying to get rid of wrinkles, age spots, acne, and other skin problems. While more research is still needed on the effects of food on skin, some studies and experts suggest that some foods are linked to good skin while others may worsen skin conditions or contribute to aging. 

What are the foods that can damage skin?

1. Dairy products and cheese

Many dermatologists advise patients who suffer from acne and eczema to stay away from milk and its derivatives to achieve clear skin. In addition, many who have stopped eating dairy and cheese have noticed that their skin has become brighter. Do you know why? Because most farms inject hormones into the cows to increase milk production, and so when we drink milk or eat cheese, we indirectly consume these hormones which cause infections in the body that affect the appearance of the skin and lead to the formation of pimples. If you notice the appearance of isolated pimples on your face and chin, puffiness or darkening under the eyes, or pale cheeks, stop eating dairy products and cheese for a week and monitor your skin.

2. Sugar

Sugar breaks down the collagen in the skin and contributes to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Sugar also increases the level of insulin in the blood, which leads to the appearance of blemishes on the skin. In this context, a Dutch study revealed that chocolate increases the proportion of interleukin, which leads to inflammation in the body, which is reflected in the skin by the appearance of pimples. So if you notice the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles at the top of your forehead, scattered blemishes on your skin or inflamed pimples, stop eating sugar in general for a week or cut back and monitor your skin.

3. Coffee

The caffeine contained in coffee contributes to the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that increases anxiety. This hormone accelerates skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles. If you notice fine lines or wrinkles, puffiness or darkening under the eyes or dull skin, reduce the amount of coffee you drink daily and monitor your skin.

4. Salt

Salt-rich foods can dehydrate you, dry your skin, and cause problems like fatigue, dull skin, and dark circles.  Do you notice bags on your face, especially around the eyes? This is the result of eating too many salty foods. To reduce the level of sodium in the body, eat foods that contain potassium and drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. Other symptoms that may appear on your skin as a result of eating too much salt are skin irritation, increased sensitivity and the appearance of pimples on your forehead and cheeks. If you notice these problems on your skin, reduce the amount of salt you consume daily. 

5. Carbonated drinks

Soft drinks contain large amounts of sugar and acidic substances that damage the skin and strip it of its glow. If you notice swelling of fatty skin cells, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, or the appearance of scattered pimples, stop drinking soft drinks for a week and monitor your skin.

6. Gluten

Gluten is the protein found in wheat. The sensitivity we have in our bodies shows up on our skin and results in pimples and blemishes. Go to the doctor and get tested for gluten sensitivity and if the result is positive, stop eating foods such as pasta, bread, candy, oats, pizza and rice. Also, if you notice the appearance of spots and pimples on your forehead or increased skin sensitivity, stop eating wheat, bulgur, flour, pasta and others for a week and monitor your face.

7. Processed meats

Eating high amounts of sodium is very unhealthy for the body. It can put you at risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. It also harms the skin, leading to dehydration which can cause inflammation and dry skin. Processed meats are very high in sodium, unfortunately, so they can be very damaging to the skin.


Watching your diet helps keep your skin gorgeous and photo ready. foods like white bread, white rice, and potatoes are high on the glycemic index, which can cause skin problems, especially acne. According to the Cleveland Clinic, some research suggests that these foods can cause breakouts due to insulin spikes. Artificially sweetened foods like sodas, pasta sauces, and juices can also cause skin problems, as NYC dermatologist Dr. Hadley King explains.


Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.

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